Friday, January 30, 2015

MCJ 203 Roommates

I posted last time about how my roommate of three or four years moved to the coast which left me to find a new place to live which included new people.  I just moved into a house with two guys I have always known of but never considered living with them.  I ended my last post mentioning how awkward it is beginning new relationships with people -- this is one of those times.  Unfortunately, I live with them so it's kind of perpetually awkward at this point.

So far, however, they seem like cool people that I could have a lot in common with.  It's very similar to putting yourself out there after a breakup.  Once you've lived with the same person for four years your social skills get dull.  So, that's my personal relationship status right now -- just brushing up basic relationship building skills.

MCJ 203 Relationship Post 3

Right now I am interning at United Way and the Hattiesburg Convention Commission.  On top of that I am going to school and working at a local bar called Keg and Barrel.  With so much going on I have started to develop a lot of new relationships with many different people.  Recently, I was fortunate enough to meet the brewmaster of Southern Prohibition Beer who inquired into my education and background.  After about a 20 minute conversation he told me to call him once I graduated for a job.  That would be amazing.

I've also been single now for about two or three months.  I'm finally starting to get back out there and meet other people.  I always forget how weird it is coming out of a relationship and having to put yourself out there once again after being comfortable for an extended period of time.  I think that feeling sums up establishing new relationships in general; there's always that awkward initial phase where both people are unsure of each other.  I don't like that.

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

MCJ 203 - Mayor vs. City Council

I wanted to use this post to talk about the strained relationship that exists between Hattiesburg mayor Johnny Dupree and the city council.  Hattiesburg politics have been a hot-button issue ever since Johnny Dupree's controversial victory over Dave Ware.  Now we are in the midst of more drama that stems from Dupree submitting his nominations for certain vacant positions within Hattiesburg.  This has left the city council with no choice but to file a lawsuit that will ultimately force Mayor Dupree to fill the vacancies.

This is a classic example of a professional relationship gone wrong.  Any professionalism that existed between the two parties is long gone.  Both are airing one another's dirty laundry publicly which is a blatant indicator that productivity has come to a stand-still.  For the sake of Hattiesburg, let's hope the future holds more accountable professionals who know how to work through adversity.

MCJ 203 Relationships Introduction

My name is Reagan McKinley and I am to blog about "relationships" for the remainder of the semester. Relationships are important for a number of reasons whether they are personal or professional.  Personal relationships provide people with love and comfort which every human being needs to survive and carry out a happy existence.  Professional relationships primarily depend on one's ability to work with another whether love and comfort exists at all in order to be successful.

My perspective on relationships has also begun to change within the last year or so. As shallow as this sounds, I'm just now realizing how much effort it takes to make a relationship successful. A recent breakup left me with that realization the hard way.  I also started interning this semester at United way and the Hattiesburg Convention Commission for my public relations degree.  Needless to say my professional relationships are of the utmost importance to me right now.